Friday, October 2, 2009

Proudly Introducing My Bonanzle Widgit as the Newest Addition to My Blog! Thank you boyz!

See my widgit? It's on the right under About Me. I'm tickled pink and ready to pass out cigars.

I'm not going to tell anyone that it only took me all day to do!! Making it was easy, the boyz at Bonanzle got it set up to where it's literally a couple of clicks to accomplish and then they give you the code to copy and paste.

Figuring out how in the sam hill to get the thing on here was the hard part!!!! For the other tech challenged, middle aged computer befuddled, and hot flashing with minimal patience folk out there - go to your Dashboard, then Layout, then click on Add a Gadget, then under Basics, click on the HTML/Java Script one, put in a title - I used "A Peek at My Bonanzle Booth", paste the code you copied from bonanzle in the content block, hit SAVE and voila - you got a widget, I got a widget - everybody got widgits!!


Navy Signal Flags said...

Your widget looks great. I tried that on my blog but what showed up was links to my ads but not pictures.


Lilacs said...

The widget looks great. Sometimes things simple can be a task too:) Congratulations on accomplishing this & best of luck to you!:)
